Organization of business missions to factories

Do you want to buy a product in Russia, but you need to be sure of its quality, as well as personally meet the manufacturer? You have a unique opportunity to negotiate and see everything with your own eyes. We will find suitable manufacturers for you and arrange personal meetings with them. Due to the unstable situation in the world, we offer you 2 options for negotiating:

  1. You arrive in Russia, we go with you to several factories, which we will agree with you in advance, you conduct negotiations, watch the production process and then make a decision. In this case, we take care of all the formalities for issuing an invitation to enter the Russian Federation.
  2. We organize online negotiations for you via skype or zoom. At the specified time, you go online and negotiate with a partner.
    In both cases, we are on your side and will make sure that the negotiations are successful for you.
Decide what products you are interested in. Describe your request as clearly as possible.
We offer products from factories. We conduct online negotiations.
We agree on the time of the visit to the plant.
We issue you an invitation to enter Russia.
You are arriving in Russia. We, together with you and the translator, are going to the plant for negotiations.
You sign a contract